I spent a number of years in the Boy Scouts and learned many cool things about leadership, the outdoors, and other useful skills that I continue to build upon today. One of the first awards I earned was in knot tying which unfortunately, my knowledge of accomplishing an amazing knot has diminished. I’m probably better at taking pictures of knots than tying them. If you are too, then you’ll appreciate these 12 assorted knot pictures.
Nodo - Ruppui by Porfirio
knot by topher76
trying to get a knot by flavia soprani
Knot by Arturo Donate
Coloured fountain knot by Antonis Lamnatos
Magic broom by Karoly Czifra
Fence Knot over the Mississippi by Todd Ehlers
A tree with a message by Luis Argerich
Uber Knot by Ray Elliott
Knot Again by David
nudismo by Elisabeth D'Orcy
tying the knot by psyberartist