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Unique Kite Aerial Photography Shots

We just featured a video about kite aerial photography and now here are the unique KAP pictures using this interesting photography technique.

Me from above by Matt Riggott
  Me from above

Untitled by Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira Untitled

Sunset Park, Brooklyn NYC from a kite by Gunnar Sigurður Guðmundsson Sunset Park, Brooklyn NYC from a kite

Untitled by Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira Untitled

Kite Aerial Photography by Bre Pettis Kite Aerial Photography

KAP in Marina District by Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira KAP in Marina District

Extra Life - Continue by Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira Extra Life - Continue

Squiggly by Lenny&Meriel

Early one day... by Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira Early one day...

Porto de Galinhas - Ric e Ette by Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira Porto de Galinhas - Ric e Ette

Colorful geometry by Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira Colorful geometry

Oostende 08: KAP by Aldo Hoeben Oostende 08: KAP
