Every photo is unique and it captures a moment in time. If taken right, you can “read” emotions in it. You can see places or people, but there’s nothing like a photo which adds a little mystery.
This is what we are going to show you today. An outstanding collection of 40 photographs that bring the subject from the mysterious darkness into the light. You’ll be able to notice more than a living being or an object, you’ll be able to notice what your imagination creates.
author: TimelessImages
author: myuneko626
Dark Photographer
author: mehmeturgut
Alone in the Dark…
author: kath13
She is the Dark
author: aEstHeticMourn
In the Dark 2
author: loveisaplasticshield
source; http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/05/40-professional-out-of-the-dark-photographs/