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Go Karting in Ontario, Ca
I woke up today with an unnatural need for speed. It is an uncanny desire to go fast and perhaps a bit wild which can only be tamed by a dose of the proper medicine. Being completely logical, I headed to the fast paced streets of downtown Los Angeles in my souped up Ferrari. As I revved my engine, I stared down my opponent whom is equally fierce and perhaps likely to have woken up with a similar disorder. Nothing is stopping me now; the race is about to begin and I am ready to blast off, perhaps breaking the land speed record in the process. Well…almost…as I enabled launch control, I see a blurry image of a guy sitting lonely in a cell playing the harmonica and realized something. Oh right! One slight miscalculation…street racing is kinda illegal in California. Darn! There must be another way to satisfy my desires to go incredibly fast through alternative means.
