
The Stages of Life Presented in 7 Emotional Photographs

In our photo contests you all submitted plenty of photos related to one specific stage in life… but in these contests, we can never visualize an entire life span. Therefore, it’s time to show a series of photos that capture life from start to finish. From birth to death.

Life is a continuous series of events. We are used to thinking that the beginning of life starts with a pregnant woman, then a baby, then watching the baby grow and make friends…

When the baby grows older, it goes to school, has the first love, the first job, gets married, has babies, etc, etc… The last stage is growing old, while watching the children and grandchildren… then this short life ends and all that is left is an angel above a gravestone, some wild flowers and some old photos…

Some believe that this life is just one of many… Whatever your beliefs are, life has good and bad parts. This showcase presents some of the most important moments in one’s life, captured by professional photographers and meant to awaken emotions to the fullest!

Day Dreaming
author:Eric Reagan

Luisa and Bears
author:Donisete Magri

Pregnant with Sweets

8 Months Pregnant

Loving Support

Are You Going to Baptize Me?
author:Sergey Usik

Baby Girl – Baptism

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/11/the-stages-of-life-presented-in-50-emotional-photographs/