
Pictures from the Pxleyes Photography Contests of October 2010

Another month of thrilling photography contests has ended! We’ve collected the 10 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photography contests that were active during the month October 2010… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries.

The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the autumn, favorite quotes, from below, lightning bolts and dew contest.

Curvy road
Author: andreimogan

9. o o o o 0 o
Author: maclu2iaf

8. Spilled Milk
Author: itsmymoment

7. The deal…
Author: karaflazz

6. Fragile
Author: andreimogan

5. Natural fury
Author: snappler

4. The Little Explorer
Author: EmiK

3. Dandelions
Author: EmiK

2. "Και όμως κινείται"
Author: karaflazz

1. Autumn land
Author: pioan

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/11/top-50-pictures-from-the-pxleyes-photography-contests-of-october-2010/