
Sentimental Examples of Dramatic Photography

Dramatic is not always bad. Dramatic means emotions, strong feelings, creating moods and bringing one’s spirit to life.

Dramatic effects in photography are achieved by choosing the right subject, capturing motion, shooting into the sun or other technique that creates a special mood in the photo.
Also some mild post-editing like playing with colors and saturation, shadows and highlights, turning regular pictures into HDR images, blurring or even adding small objects help in creating really outstanding and stronger representation of the reality captured by an artist.

Forget about the mediocre pictures and amateurish ones for a while and follow this post which deserves the attention of every photographer and art lover.

Going to the Sun
author MarcAdamus

Dramatic Day
author Nicoweb

Dramatic Roundabout
author Jibril85

author OlgaC

Dramatic Landscape

author Biogenesis

Dramatic Sunset
author Deanio

The Tree God
author MarcAdamus

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/07/50-sentimental-examples-of-dramatic-photography/