
Mindblowing Macro Photography from The Micro-Cosmos, by Blepharopsis

For today’s showcase we have a very special and honorable guest: Igor Siwanowicz, a.k.a. Blepharopsis. He is an absolutely amazing photographer and has a life-loving spirit.

This post will present 50 of the best photographs shot by him, along with an exclusive interview that he kindly honored us with and where he reveals not only some secrets about the beautiful art of photography, but also a short, interesting and inspiring biography.

His photos are absolute amazing and we will mix some of them into the interview… Answers continue below the photo…


Posing – You’re Doing It Ok

Keychain Monster

Brahmaea Hearseyi


Fiddler on the Root

Walk This Way

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/10/mindblowing-macro-photography-from-the-micro-cosmos-by-blepharopsis-with-exclusive-interview/