
Intriguing Examples of Fungi Photography

In the past year or so since The Photo Argus ran my first “Fungi Fun” post (“16 Fantastic Images of Fungi Fun“), I’ve generated a bunch of new images I’d like to share with you along with an observation or two.
My kind of “fungi awareness” also means being curious about how others deal with this particular subject matter and generally what I’m finding is that most folks take a “hands off,” keep-your-distance approach. I guess if you just want a record of your subject for identification purposes or whatever that’s fine, but fungi have the potential to be so much more up-close and personal if one concentrates on their unusual design elements.

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography

Fungi Photography
source:   http://www.thephotoargus.com/inspiration/32-intriguing-examples-of-fungi-photography/