
Beautiful Winter Wonderland Photos

As winter approaches in the northern hemisphere and the nights draw in, our thoughts turn to the beauty of ice and snow. Winter photography, especially in the colder parts of the world, is a specialized niche. Photographers have to take care of their cameras and guard against frostbite and hypothermia. They often venture into remote wilderness searching for the perfect winter landscape. Their reward is stunning imagery.

Peter Bowers
Winter Wonderland Photo


Winter Wonderland Photo

Winter Wonderland Photo

Leif Westling
Winter Wonderland Photo

Joe Nicora
Winter Wonderland Photo

Janina Kulcsar
Winter Wonderland Photo

Winter Wonderland Photo

The Children
Winter Wonderland Photo

anders r. naesset
Winter Wonderland Photo

Winter Wonderland Photo

Winter Wonderland Photo

Winter Wonderland Photo

source: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/11/23/45-winter-wonderland-photos/