
Rare World War II Photographs – Lost pages of History

As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I would like to add that it does more than that. A photograph can transform a mere idea into a reality; it gives a face to the thought, and some among us might say a photo is a little capsule in which the time is trapped.

Every time, you see a picture; you see a story, especially if that picture is taken in the time of an event. Today, I’m going to showcase World War II from the eyes of a camera. Let’s start!

Soldier Training
author: NYhistoryblog

National Flag
author: Acepilots

London during the Blitz
author: Illinois

Air Force gunner
author: Illinois

Senior military officials
author: Wiki

Grant tank
author: Ptatransitauthority

Turnberry Hospital
author: Maybole

author: Phombo

Children at war
author: BBC

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2012/01/40-rare-world-war-ii-photographs-lost-pages-of-history/