
Professional Photos Showing the Wonders and Beauty of Brazil

Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world, both as surface and population, and the largest one in South America. Some know about it because of the unique coffee fragrances, others because of the world-wide known Rio de Janeiro carnival and others because of the talents of sport that country offered in the past years.

Its topography and climate are very diversified and turn Brazil into a perfect destination for tourists of all kinds and especially artists who are into photography. Its flora and fauna offer endless possibilities for photographers and this showcase will illustrate some examples of it, from high-speed photography, to portraits and wildlife, all from this amazing country, called Brazil!

Iguazu Waterfalls
author:Michael Anderson

author:Roumen Koynov

author:Roumen Koynov

author:David Oliveira

Street Market in Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro
author:Taylor Knight

Traditional Coffee
author:Francisco Ribeiro do Vale

Rocinha 11

author:Joao Pereira

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/08/50-professional-photos-showing-the-wonders-and-beauty-of-brazil/