
Magical Forest Photos from All Over the World

Forests (or woods) are the lungs of the Earth. A forest is that magical place where a lot of creatures live, where they build homes and take shelter. Forests are beautiful in any season…in blossom in spring, all green in summer, magically colored in fall and in winter a little desolating maybe, but when they are snowy, the tress look like taken directly out of a fairytale.

The following showcase will amaze by the beauty of this part of nature, by the the freshness and relaxing mood it can bring. Browsing through all the seasons of the year, forests are the same…standing high and still, changing “clothes” and offering the best one can get: fresh air and life.

Realm of the Deer
author: Alex Saberi

Paradise Forest
author: Marc Adamus

Land of the Lost
author: Ian Plant

Ice Land
author: Ziga Gricnik

Green Forest
author: Joni Niemelä

Magic Forest 1
author: Vera Golosova

Bamboo Forest in Kyoto
author: Trey Ratcliff

Frozen Forest
author: Evgeni Dinev

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2012/01/50-magical-forest-photos-from-all-over-the-world/