
Magical Art of Shadow Photography

Imagine a world, where you see a horse having the legs longer than its actual size, an eye made out of a man’s arms, a tree looking like some creature, a simple hole giving the effect of the moon, an ant eating a camera, a leaf seeming like a stone…! Dreamy, isn’t it? But Shadow Photography can make this dream come true and it has in variety of ways.

The shadows in photos can charge the emotions, create surreal, change the concepts, show a different aspect from the actual one, add more colors to the theme of any image and many more.

It is our pleasure that this time we have the Collection of Shadow Photography, wherein we are providing you with some creatively wonderful pieces of art of playing with shadows. If you believe in dreams, let’s dream with shadow photography along with us.

Shadows of Summer

What is Time?



Shadows of Reality


Balloon and Shadow

Shadow Shot

source: http://www.thedesignwork.com/magical-art-of-shadow-photography/