
Impressive Ruins Photographed By Professional Artists

Ruins are the remains of what once were human constructions, some really glorious and famous in their times. Ruins are the “scars” of the past that should be treasured and admired, as they offer invaluable information about the past, about the civilizations that we rose from, about our ancestors and about all sorts of cultures that marked the history.

Ruins are not just weeds grown over some dusty walls, they are not just something that was abandoned in time. Unfortunately, not all of us have the chance to visit them, see and understand their history and the importance of what they have left behind, for us. Some cultures as old as several centuries or even millenniums hid mysteries that out modern world will never be able to discover and understand, never be able to appreciate enough and never be enough amazed at their past glory.

Life in Ruins
author: maytevidri OUT_MDZ

Castle Ruins
author: Maurizio Blasetti

Prayer in Ruins
author: Miguel & Vicky

The Ruins
author: pattpoom

Castle Ruin – Loch An Eilein HDR
author: charminbayurr

Radzyn Chelminski, Ruins of Castle
author: green_lover

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/05/50-impressive-ruins-photographed-by-professional-artists/