
Great Pictures of Porcupines

My friends and I were driving around at night here in Idaho, and on the side of the road an animal waddled into the grass. I freaked out and looked at them, and asked if it was a porcupine. We all agreed it was, but it was already gone by the time we had backed up to look at it. I was inspired to make a post about them, so here are 8 great pictures of porcupines. Let we see these photographs below....

Prehensile-tailed porcupine by Carly Lesser & Art Drauglis

Porcupine says hello by Beatrice Murch

pierced by jenny downing

Curious/Hungry Porcupine by Beatrice Murch

me with porcupine by Dave Bonta

porcupine by Moosealope

Downtown Porcupown by Andrei Taranchenko

Porcupine by Sharon Mollerus
