
Beautiful National Geographic Wallpaper

In an earlier post, we talked about cool nature wallpapers. Today we’ll be talking about another set of creative wallpapers for the desktop: national geographic wallpapers.

Your computer screen is something you spend endless hours in front of. A nice wallpaper to look at, once in awhile, can just make those long hours less painful for the eyes.

National geographic is perhaps one of the most read magazine worldwide. It has been known to feature the best shots of maps, scenery, animals, etc. Professional photographers are hired to capture unique and captivating shots which mesmerize the readers. These amazing photographs featured in the magazines have been commonly used by people as desktop wallpapers. These easy to download, beautiful wallpapers are definitely a treat for the eyes.

So for all those people who love the environment and are looking for something different to keep as your wallpaper, national geographic wallpapers are something definitely worth setting up on your desktop. To give you a glimpse, we have provided a great collection of national geographic wallpaper that you may want to choose from, however, a wide variety of nat geo wallpapers are also easily available online.


Moss-Covered Truck, Michigan

Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica

Alberta, Canada

Elephant Seals and King Penguins

Lightning, Dubai

Frog and Crocodile, South Africa

Penstemons, Tahoe National Forest

Hang En Cave, Vietnam

source: http://www.thedesignwork.com/national-geographic-wallpaper/