
8 Excellent Pictures Taken With Film

Although digital seems to be the standard today, film still is quite popular among some photographers. It may take a it of patience and time to master, but once you get it right, you can capture images from film that a digital just can’t perfectly recreate. Here are 16 excellent pictures taken with film. Let we enjoy these photos below.

Mission of mine. by Kevin Morris

Untitled by lina bielinytė

landscape, greeves st by Jes

We are golden. by . Entrer dans le rêve

Untitled by Helena Price

季節般,迴圈的追逐。 by Ai-lueh Chen.

Untitled by Leon Rice-Whetton

Untitled by Kevin Morris

Source: http://www.photographyblogger.net/16-excellent-pictures-taken-with-film/