
Stunning High Speed Photography Shots

A lot of wonderful things happen in the blink of an eye, but they are moving too quickly for us to see. High speed photography is the science of taking pictures of very fast phenomena and allow us to see images that we don’t usually get to see.
Those, who are taking photographs of high speed action might see something no one’s ever seen before – a bullet coming out of one side of an apple, or fruit just beginning to explode. Water drops, breaking glass, gun shots, balloon explosions – are just a few examples of what can be captured with high speed photography.
Freezing fast motion, not only give us some pretty special photographic effects, High Speed Photography is also used in physics, health research, sports and more. While making high-end high speed photos could cost you a fortune, it is still possible to capture super fast movements using your ordinary camera gear and a little home made electronics (see DIY).
Theory aside, Boredpanda.com presents you a really cool collection of  Stunning High Speed Photographs. Enjoy!

Banana High Speed Explosion








Source: http://www.boredpanda.com/high-speed-photography-20-pics/