
Rare Photos of The War and Beauty Contrast of Afghanistan

Ever since October 7, 2001, the land of Afghanistan is suffering constant change: the war started, people die, buildings explode, landscapes get altered. The following showcase depicts the overall images of before and after the war on the lands of Afghanistan.
50 impressive pictures: the beauty of nature and peace given to us as a precious gift and the disasters and sadness people create, in their search for power and glory.
Given the money spent in this war, we could cloth, feed and offer education for several nations, we could make people happy, instead of tearing up their lives. This is not bravery, this is thirst for power. Let’s make a difference! Let's see the best pictures of Afghanistan below

Afghanistan 12
author: Infinite666

Sunset in Afghanistan
author: Lariasta

Visions of Afghanistan-Poppies
author: Lumanaru

author: Signarkp

Shadows over Afghanistan
author: Omar Sayami

Afghan Landscape
author: Andrew Smith

From Above
author: Andrew Smith

Heaven on Earth
author: Omar Sayami

author: Papaya Productions