
Creative Photo Manipulations by M. Archain

After looking at Creative Photoshopping by Erik Johansson and 25 Surreal Photo Manipulations by Sarolta Ban let’s meet Manuel Archain – another very creative and talented photoshopping master from Argentina responsible for creating a lot of insanely comical photo situations that are highly improbable and usually impossible in real life.
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1983, he started his studies when he was 5, sculpture, drawing and painting at his mother’s studio, the artist Silvina Viaggio. At the age of 13 he ads to his drawing studies a comic background, studying with Carlos Pedrazzini. At the same time he starts his work as a photographer in a practical way, working with different professionals, from here he evolves in his art achieving a personal style.
At age of 17 he started to work on commercials, movies and video clips in the art department and as a photographer. Has been assistant photographer of Peter Rad, Blinkk, Samuel Bayer, Tony Kaye. Since 2004 he works as a professional photographer for advertising and cinema.
But who wants to read artist’s biography before seeing his art, right? So, let’s do some scrolling down and after seeing his incredible surreal photo manipulations you may want to comeback up and actually read it. Let we see these amazing photographs below.