
7 Pictures of The Power of Blue-White Photography

As many of us know already, white is the color of purity and kindness, a symbol of loyal love. From a deeper point of view, white can not even be called a color, but a presence of all colors – the complete energy of light.

Blue represents the sky and oceans, the heaven, inspiration and sincerity, while a more greenish blue, what people call “turquoise” is the symbol of youth and tranquility. When these colors combine, they form stunning visual elements, inducing a mood of relaxation and peace.

The following 45 images showcase come to enlighten the spirit and release the mind of stressful every day activities and there’s nothing more to it than pure enjoyability! Let's see these amazing pictures!

Aqua Blue

author:desdibuix – miquel

I’m Hiiiding!


Dolphins at Play
author:Passive Man

Ice Breaks Off
author:Andy Hares

After the Jump

source: http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2011/07/the-power-of-blue-white-photography-in-50-pictures/